Laravel E-commerce & Iyzico Integrated

Laravel E-commerce & Iyzico Integrated

Hello, in this blog post I will share information about a project that I have shared on my github account.

Before Installation: You must have php, composer and mysql installed on your computer. You can use Laragon or Docker for these operations.

This repository contains an e-commerce project built with Laravel. Follow the instructions below to set up and run the project:

Clone the repository:

Copy code

  • git clone git@github.com:abdurrahmanekecik/Laravel-E-commerce.git
  • cd Laravel-E-commerce
  • Rename the .env.example file to .env.

Update the .env file with your database and Iyzico payment gateway information.

Generate an application key:

Copy code

  • php artisan key:generate

Run the database migrations:

Copy code

  • php artisan migrate

Seed the database with sample data:

Copy code

  • php artisan db:seed

Npm Installations:

Copy code

  • npm install
  • npm run build

Start the Laravel development server:

Copy code

  • php artisan serve

Access the site:

If you are working locally, open your web browser and go to
If you are working from the site link you set up or in the local network, use the appropriate URL.
To access the admin panel, use the following credentials:


  • Email: info@abdurrahmanekecik.com
  • Password: 123456

To view the list of uploaded products, visit

Feel free to make any additional improvements or customize the instructions further based on your requirements.

You can reach our administration page by entering the information.


Laravel E-commerce, which is our sample project, you can review the codes and examples from our github project.

Github Code

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